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Throwing Program & Mechanics

Centering the Baseball

No matter where we catch the ball on the field we must center the baseball before transfer happens. Centering the ball provides a central focal point of transition for all infield plays. 


Throwing Overview & Mechanics (Center the Baseball)

Throwing Overview & Mechanics (Center the Baseball)

Throwing Overview & Mechanics (Center the Baseball)
Throwing Motion Overview_Center the Baseball

Throwing Motion Overview_Center the Baseball

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Throwing Motion Overview_Centering the Baseball Explained_Camp

Throwing Motion Overview_Centering the Baseball Explained_Camp

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Throwing Overview & Mechanics (Power Position)

Throwing Overview & Mechanics (Power Position)

Throwing Overview & Mechanics (Power Position)
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Throwing Motion Overview_Power Position

Throwing Motion Overview_Power Position

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Throwing Motion Overview_Power Position Explained_Camp

Throwing Motion Overview_Power Position Explained_Camp

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1.  Exchange at the center (chest)

2.  Hands stay together on right step

3.  Separate hands on left step -- palms down

4.  Front arm comes up at 90 degrees -- elbow on target --

horizontal to ground w/glove in line with elbow

5.  Back arm -- hand on top of ball -- hand inside 90*

horizontal to ground -- Hand/ball higher than shoulder

6.  Pause at power position with back knee slightly

pressed down underneath head

7.  To throw -- turn back shoulder toward target & down

(Replace shoulder & turn backside)

8.  Tuck front arm (elbow down toward front hip)

tuck glove on left chest

9.  Firm up front leg and release hand out toward target

then pull laces down (snap wrist - backspin)

10.  At same time release back leg (thigh) up into

back of front leg (thigh)


1.  Stationary feet Squared up shoulders

*Up to Power Angle -- Replace shoulders


2.  Stationary feet in Power Position

*Start with hands at exchange point

*Separate Hands/Arms up to power pos.

*Pause then restart backside and throw

*No Pause -- after a few pauses then no pause


3.  Step to Power Position  -- Feet shoulder width apart

*Stride/Separate hands to Power Pos.

*Pause then restart backside and throw

*No Pause -- after a few pauses then no pause


4.  Walk to Power Position --start same as above

*Take back foot to front foot - hands stay together

*Then stride/separate hands to Power Pos.

*Pause then restart backside and throw

*No Pause -- after a few pauses then no pause


5.  Shuffle to Power Position -- start w/feet wider

*Shuffle to Power Position

*Hands together when right foot hits ground

*Separate hands & arms on left foot stride

*Pause then restart backside and throw

*No Pause -- after a few pauses then no pause


Throwing Program Series - DRILL ROUTINE

Throwing Program Series

Throwing Program Series

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